Thursday, June 03, 2004

Wha the...............????

Of all nights to happen.......I am sleeping out in my tent trailer tonight because the furniture in my house is all piled up in my kitchen and my bed is on it's side in my living room because my floors are still being installed. I left the door to my house and the door to my trailer open so my cat can come in and sleep with me in the trailer, then go to the house to use the litter box if she needed to. My friend made me promise to close the doors because of all the weirdos in my trailer park. Well good grief, I really don't think anyone would bother me, so I broke my promise. I went to bed at midnight and my cat crawled on the sleeping bag with me. I was sound asleep and a bright light woke me up. It sweped by my tent and faded out. Well that startled me so I got up and looked outside. Not a thing was stirring outside, so I went back inside and got back in my sleeping bag. Then KABOOM...crackle...shake!!! Well THAT got me up and out of my tent really fast!!! My cat and I both levitated and she about tripped me getting out of the tent before me!! My heart was thumping out of my chest and I tried to run like Hell but OOOPS!! I forgot about my CPAP machine and the mask on my face!! Okay, got that off and then continued levitating out and into my safe house!! I thought at first it was thunder. Well not a cloud in the sky, and the full moon was shining. Hmmmm, now that got me wondering what the heck it was????!!! I came in my house and called my sister who lives 7 miles away and she heard it too!! I waited ten minutes and called the ICOM dispatcher to ask her if there were any reports of an explosion, and she said yes, there are conflicting reports of maybe an earthquake or a meteor. Earthquake no, my stomach would tell me if it was an earthquake. But meteor, possibly. I did see the bright light before the noise. The dispatcher told me to turn on the emergency radio. Well all I'm getting is a weather report. Now I am WIDE AWAKE and it is 3:30 AM. I need to get some sleep because I am starting physical therapy tomorrow. (1.5 hours of exercising to strengthen my lungs and back). Okay, my adrenaline is down to a wide awake psycho now instead of a raving maniac, so I will try and go back outside where the monsters lurk and get some sleep!! Later, folks!

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