Friday, July 04, 2008

Meet Galen & Sumre Brett

Today we went to Monroe to attend the wedding of my brother's son Galen to Sumre.
Galen is the one dressed in his best t-shirt and cammy shorts....Mike my brother is the one sitting in the chair giving wise words to Galen.
This is Sumre, dressed in her black dress sipping (well ok, guzzling) her beer before the wedding.

Mike and his lovely wife Sherry (she is the only sane one in our family).

Meet Brent, the minister that performed the wedding. He dressed in his tuxedo t-shirt that he found under some snow boarding gear in his garage and smells like gas.
Galen is getting ready to put the ring on Sumre's finger.
Sumre is placing her ring on Galen's ankle. (ball & chain).
Hehehehehe..............the key broke when they were trying to get this off his ankle. They were actually trying to cut the thing off with bolt cutters when we left.

Mary Lou and Bob, and her son Tim and her daughter Donna.

Sumre's mom (who cried throughout) Galen, Mike, Sherry and Sumre.
The wedding was great! Have you ever seen Rocky Horror Picture Show? Well they threw water balloons at the couple after they said their vows. I wish I would have known they were doing that, I would have brought a loaf of toast to throw at the bride!!
They had marvelous vegan food at the ceremony as they are vegans. When we left the wedding we couldn't get to the Farmhouse Restaurant fast enough!!
I had a great time!! I think everyone did.