My life has been consumed with work and brother. No room for anything else right now. Yesterday I turned 60. YIKES!!!!
Tuesday evening my brother went in for a simple procedure. They needed to put a port in his chest for the chemotherapy and other shots. He was coming out of surgery and was getting sick and aspirated some puke. He turned purple and was on the way out and they resusitated him and got him breathing again. He was put in the Intensive Care Unit. Sherry (his wife) called me about 6:30 and told me. I went to the hospital (I am 3 minutes away).It was touch and go all night. I left about 11:30PM wondering if he'd make it through the night. I went to work yesterday for a few hours then came home and sat with Mike a few hours. His breathing is agonal. He is close to death. He can talk with us, get up and sit on the potty chair but he is sleeping the rest of the time. The family decided to not take any measures for keeping him alive. No oxygen, no feeding tube, just pain medications. He pulled out the tube going down his nose. We might get him home tomorrow so he can die at home comfortably. This was so hard for all of us. Yesterday was the letting go day. I had to leave work at noon. I'd go into crying bouts.
It could take up to 2 weeks for him to die. He is a fighter, so maybe longer. Or...he could go any minute. Only God knows when he is to go.
My boss gave me 6 roses for my birthday. 5 beautiful apricot colored ones and one red rose. I took the red rose to my brother and taped it on his bed rail.
Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. I feel them.