Friday, February 27, 2004

Negative begats Negative

What makes people so negative? I went to the Post office this afternoon and ran into an old friend. The first thing out of her mouth was a negative statement. The mechanic did this to her truck....Another mechanic stole her radio and replaced it with a broken one....Her doctor screwed this up....her old boss was harassing her...Her neighbor.....blah...blah....blah. She wears me out just listening to her. What ever I try to help her with she will not take my advice, she just finds a negative retort. The poor gal must be so lonely because nobody wants to be around her. Leslie blogged yesterday about vibes and feelings. When you come across a positive person you feel good. When you come across a negative person you don't feel good. I have always tried to look on the good side of things, and learn from my mistakes. My sister calls me a "Pollyanna". She couldn't understand how I can laugh at some things that happen. I just do. I'd rather laugh than cry.
Some people just want to wallow in their misery and blame everybody else but themselves!
Geeze, get a grip, people. Try and look at a situation and find the good points and not look for the bad points. There are some people that are JUST PLAIN MEAN, TOO!!

I refuse to let them get to me, and I will not stoop to their level.
Hmmm, I wonder where all this came from??