Monday, October 03, 2005

One Brave Pheasant!!

I was driving to the beach today and saw this pheasant waddling across the street.
I guess he doesn't know it is hunting season! They are all over the place here. We used to have a "Pheasant farm" run by the state here a few years ago and they would release the pheasants at certain times of the year. The farm closed down a few years ago and these pheasants are stragglings from the past.
A few years ago I saw my cat over my fence in the field stalking something. I looked further out and saw she was stalking a pheasant! Now that bird was twice her size but she didn't care! Booboo would've gotten it if another neighborhood cat hadn't of scared it away! A yellow cat was a few yards away from it on the other side! I got a picture of it but I can't find it now.
I love this place I live in.

I believe - That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we
are, but we are responsible for who we become.