Friday, April 30, 2004

Some ramblings

Brent over at coptalk mentioned cars as money pits. I guess he's right. I just figured that my vehicle costing $30,000.00 will last me the rest of my driving life (30 years). I put in an average of $50.00 a month for fuel and carwash, and then figure in an average of $500.00 a year for maintenance preventative and otherwise. If you add it all up and put it in thirty years, I spend about $175.00 a month for my car!!

I am going to Leavenworth up in the Cascades Sunday for three days for an ADA (americans with disabilities act) conference. Dangit, I have all the luck, don't I? But we will be indoors all day learning how to deliver better service for person's with disabilities. But at night we will have to go eat german food in the quaint little cafe's in town!!

Well this is short. Gotta run back to work for an hour!!